Meet Ingrid Gatin


On July 27th & July 29th, our distinguished guest teacher Ingrid Gatin will be leading both Calm & Strong yoga classes. A fixture in our Wednesday evening Calm & Strong class, Ingrid greets everyone she meets with a wide smile and the warmest vibes.

To get to know Ingrid a little better, I asked her a few questions about her yoga journey.

What draws you to your yoga practice?

I love the space it helps create in my mind — it is healing and it just makes me happier. I always say that I do it so regularly because no matter how I feel or what’s going on, it always makes me feel better.

Where were you trained to teach yoga?

I did my teacher training at Paraiso Yoga in Sayulita, Mexico and it truly felt like paradise. The founder Narayani has trained and taught training in yoga and meditation all over the world and taught me so much more about the spiritual aspect of yoga.

How long have you been practicing yoga?

I’ve been doing yoga since I was 13! My mom had this amazing video called Yoga in the Desert (which I JUST found on YouTube) and it really had an impact on me. I’ve been doing it more and less seriously over the years ever since.

Do you have a favourite posture, breathing or mindfulness technique?

I would say tree pose (Vriksasana) is important for me. I love most balancing postures because I find that they engage your body (core), focus the mind and encourage you to be grounded.

What inspires you?

I’m inspired by sthira and sukha –or effort and ease. I love to explore the idea of balance, and with sthira and sukha, I feel like I can encourage myself to explore both effort and ease in each posture. Great for thinking ’bout life too.

Off the mat, where are we likely to find you?

My full-time gig is at Riding Mountain National Park as a guide + coordinator for Parks Canada. I live outside Onanole part-time and Brandon part-time.

I’m inspired by sthira and sukha –or effort and ease

Do you have any other passions or hidden talents aside from yoga?

I’ve gotten quite passionate about harvesting wild plants and learning about their medicinal purposes. We built a dome/greenhouse and have a very healthy garden growing. And I have worked as a professional singer and musician for many years. And… meditation. ????

I could not be more excited for Ingrid to lead you through these classes. She is such a light in our yoga community. Thank you Ingrid! For those who are hoping to drop-in, spaces are available for the Monday night class @ 5:30 & Wednesday night at 7:00. Our Monday night class at 7:00 & our Wednesday night class at 5:30 are full so no drop-ins are available. Drop-in rate is $15.

Want to drop in? Send us a message and we can ensure your spot is available!